Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Potomac results

McCain won the three primaries that took place in Tuesday. He won Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland with a rather serious lead on Mike Huckabee. Is the latter's campaign coming to an end? The two GOP contenders maintain friendly relations : McCain joked that his rival was keeping the race "interesting", "maybe a little too interesting tonight" he added refering to the moment on Tuesday night when the media were calling Virginia for Huckabee before announcing that actually McCain had won with a 9% lead (the story comes from an NPR article). Watch McCain start his campaign against Obama by picking up on the "hope" theme :

Obama won the three Potomac primaries as well. Worth noting is the evolution of his support base : he has managed to win over parts of several constituencies that had previously come out for Clinton. For instance he has made in-roads in the female vote, has gained the support of lower-income Democrats and white voters. 
Is Clinton's base eroding? How does this bode for the coming contests in Winconsin ( next Tuesday) and Ohio and Texas in March? 
Clinton has now lost 8 primaries in a row to Obama and is relying on a strong showing in Texas, with the support of the Hispanic population and in Ohio, thanks to the blue-collar voters of this industrial State. 

And now two videos that have been on all the blogs and media for a couple weeks (the pro-Obama video made by and a couple days (the anti-McCain video). Obama is getting a lot of free advertisement through these youtube videos. 

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