Monday, November 3, 2008

last polls...

Last polls indicate, as expected, that McCain is narrowing the gap, probably showing that more and more undecided voters are making up their mind and going for what may appear to them as the safest choice. I've heard lots of interviews of people who are frightened by Barack Obama. I strongly recommend This American Life's "Battle Ground" podcast, a documentary on the election in Pennsylvania. Many still harbour doubts about his religion, or think he has a radical or marxist agenda.  The endless reminders of his connection with Ayers, a former terrorist, have also really left a dent in his reputation and are discouraging voters who were already suspicious to pull the lever for him (in the US, many voting machines have levers that you need to pull, the actual process of voting is quite different from what we have in France, check the infamous and indeed confusing "butterfly ballots" used in Florida in 2000). A very high turnout is expected to put strains on the polling stations and the voting system : who will it discourage from voting and how will it impact the outcome, is anyones guess. 

My own poll : 
Are any of you going to stay up late/all night or wake up in the middle of the night or very early to monitor the results? 
If you do, would like to come on the blog and let us know what is going on and what news media you are watching ? 

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