Monday, March 7, 2011

Seminar 3 : the Bill of Rights

The podcast I've recommended for this week are short episodes made by a young law student in 2006 : basically at the end of every day he made a few podcasts summarizing what he'd learnt or been studying. I find it usually enjoyable and useful.
Visit the webpage : Life of Law Student : constitutional law II. and download the podcasts or search for it on i-tunes.

Here is a very good example of the current significance of the Bill of Rights and of the debate of free speech :

This is an extract from The West Wing, season 6, episode 8 (
In the room)

I whole heartedly reccomend this TV series which is amazing : you'll learn a lot about the American constitution, the political workings of the institutions and the hot potato issues of the 2000s, and
painlessly to boot.


Salomé said...

Very funny video which shows very well the ambiguity associated with the 1st amendment.. Is there a limit to freedom of speech, guarantee and protected by it ? Sure. And, most of the time, a strict political limit.. [?]

Aude de Mézerac said...

Dear Salomé, I'm glad you enjoyed the video. It's a great example of how free-speech can be shocking, politically incorrect and yet perfectly legal. It might not be a good idea to burn a flag in the White House but it is a constitutionaly protected right.