Barack Obama "did not blink" and made clear that he is not interested in running for VP.
You might have noticed that Sen. Obama is using arguments that seem vaguely familiar!
Let's watch how all this plays out in Mississippi today.
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Barack Obama "did not blink" and made clear that he is not interested in running for VP.
Posted by
Aude de Mézerac
12:59 AM
what a pity that Obama did not accept Hllary's proposition :( as you said, the party needs unity and this would be a great solution for the democrats to be stronger facing a republican party much more united ( Mitt Romney dropped out the race for his party's unity) but it is understandable for Obama's ego and integrity to remain a presidential candidate and not a VP. however this "blue brothers war" seems to be quite long and might bored the voters...
You are right to point out that the Democrats might be jeopardizing their chance of winning back the White House by not uniting now. However, I must understood why such a deal would appear quite unacceptable to the Obama campaign. Indeed, for now he is ahead and more importantly he is calling for a new era in politics and fighting against the Washington establishment. So if he were to accept Clinton's offer he would be betraying his professed ideals and thus appearing as a washington-type politician : capable of renouncing his beliefs to move his political career forward.
Understandibly, Obama could only refuse the offer. The question now is : was this a political manoeuvre by the Clinton camp to paint him as the divider of the party. This would be really clever to further discredit Obama. What do you make of it?
indeed it could be a tactic of clinton,becauseif he would have accepted the offer, he would have been discredited and seen as unfaithful to his ideals as you said.
but by refusing, he shows that anbition is also very important for him and that's what pople repoaches to Hillary.
so yes it could be a trap for him to have accept but it is also a kind af trap to have refuse because it reveals that he is as much ambitious as Clinton.
Excellent point you're making here ! This only reinforces my opinion that this was a tactic from the Clinton campaign. It was a lose-lose deal for him.
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