Monday, March 3, 2008

decyphering the telephone ad

The media have been giving quite a bit of attention to the Clinton ad on the telephone ringing (watch the video on my previous post).
Commentator Maureen Dowd considers that Sen. Clinton is fear-mongering ( to create fear in order to convince people that you will protect them from the danger) and that ultimately the ad is a visceral attack.  NPR's has been commenting on this ad in their overview of last week's events
Even more interesting is the analysis by political commentator Tom Regan : he compares Sen. Clinton's contreoversial ad with the infamous "Daisy" ad for Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson which I commented earlier : the ad was only aired once before being pulled off the air because it was considered way too aggresive, painting Barry Goldwater as a trigger happy aggresive candidate. Do you remember that it was being used against the Democrats on youtube at the beginning of the campaign on order to make them appear soft on foreign policy issues. And now people are comparing Sen. Clinton's attempt to discredit Sen. Obama's competence in foreign policy. Interesting how things come a full circle ! 
Listen to comparisons with other presidential ads by Mark Shield on NPR

For the Obama campaign this ad will probably backfire on Sen. Clinton : once again they emphasize judgement vs. experience : it's not your experience of the "red phone" ringing that counts, it's your ability to give the right answer.  And he then goes on to remind voters of Sen Clinton's vote allowing President Bush to engage in the war in Irak. 
I enjoyed West Wing 2008's post in French on this ad : Maria Pia Mascaro has 3 videos on display : Clinton's ad, Obama's ad in response and a short video of Bill Clinton telling the voters to respond to the candidate promising hope rather than fear!

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