Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Parenthesis: a look at the British general election

I'd simply like to suggest a few articles on the British general election.

There are many good articles in French :
Le Monde has a good article on strategic voting and the possible outcomes of the election. It also provides many links to British websites.

The blog La vie des idées offers a spattering of articles on the subject :
More interestingly, if you were British, which party would you support? Take this test and analyse the results (you can compare each of your positions with what each party thinks of the issues. If you are asked for a British postcode, you can use my old postcode from Durham : DH11DU.

Lots of last minute appeals from all newspapers :
  • a bad-faithed attempt by The Telegraph to discourage tactical voting and support of the Lib-Dems: the firm in which Myriam Clegg (the Lib-Dem leader's wife) works declared that a hung parliament would be bad for Britain...
  • A detailed guide to tactical voting by The Guardian which supports the Lib-Dems or a "progressive coalition" ( Lib-Lab)
  • Wishful thinking from The Times : their last poll indicates that the Tories are on the brink of a getting a majority in the House of Commons
  • In the meantime The Independent describes this election as a chance to get the electoral reform they have been calling for
  • A bit of trashiness is also in order if you want a complete round-up of the British newspapers : TV star Simon Cowell (a judge on the tv-show Britain's got talent that brought Susan Boyle into the public eye last year) endorsed David Cameron in The Sun. Another famous tabloid, the Daily Mirror is trying to discredit Cowell's endorsement of the Tories by voicing the concerns of fans who are disappointed by a decision that they was made out of pure self interest ( he's a millionnaire) and perhaps due to pressure from Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul.

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