Wednesday, November 5, 2008

final results

A landslide victory for Obama and a lot of enthousiasm. 

Look at the map to see the extent of the victory : Obama took Pennsylvania and many former red states (Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa...)

Listen to or download Obama's victory speech and McCain's concession speech. 


AliceA said...

Thank you very much for all the sources... An amazing victory of Barack Obama ! Let's see what is really going to change for the next few years... Do you think we are right to hope for significant change?

I believe that problems will be dealt with a different way and international relations will probably get better (I hope there will be more cooperation between the EU and the US, and that franco-american relations will be improved...) ; However, I think some people in the world are waiting too much from the new American president (for example, heard people from Kenya saying that Obama is going to do many things for Kenya, to help Africa, etc... well I think that's a bit "too enthousiastic"). But we'll see.

Aude de Mézerac said...

Thank you "Alicea" for your remarks, I think that you are right to underline the sky-high expectations of Americans and people from all over the world. Considering this, it's virtually impossible for Obama's presidency not to be a bit of a disappointment.
We shall see for whom the awakening proves the roughest and which constituencies or issues Obama chooses to prioritize.
Is there anything you'd like to see discussed here?

I'm thinking of writing a bit about Obama's speech and discussing the historical backdrop against which the president-elect has propped his victory.

AliceA said...

I think this would be very interesting ! I've listened to Obama's speech and I found there was many things to analyse.

I've also heard Mc Cain's concession speech and I was striken about the way he recognized the "superiority" of Obama and he said to the American people to rally to his leadership even if they have different points of view... There is a unity in America that we don't have here I believe.

myriam said...

thank you for the sources you gave it is very interessting.

concerning the so expected change that obama is supposed to bring i would say that of course he is the candidate of "change" but in the same time it appear quite obvious that he will disappont on some point.
i found a funny and quite significant quotation in the newsweek newspaper; in a nutshell it was said that he will disappoint ecstatic believers if he does not realize peace in the world and does not end the famine in the first hundred days. so i think we have to be careful with this word of change and we don't have to hope to much right now.

however, in my mind, Many factors make these elections exceptional and historical elections: the enthusiasm around the candidate, color course, the primary struggle, the possibility of a woman seriously considered for the presidency, huge funds released by Obama, the context of crisis, participation, the impact it provoked within the concerned country but also all around the world.

wwat are your opinions on that?

Aude de Mézerac said...

Myriam, point in case : extatic followers of the new president are bound to be dissastified by the magnitude of "change" that a single person can bring to a national and internaltional system.
In my next post ( probabmy tomorrow) I'll try and explore what this election means for America.
I'll also say a few words on the speeches.