Friday, September 26, 2008

First presidential debate, or not?

As I write, it is very early in the morning in America and we don't know whether the much awaited for debate will take place or not. Yesterday, John McCain "suspended" his campaign to rescue and sort out the economy ! And he has said that we would not attend the debate in Oxford, Mississippi, because he had rather help the government find a solution to the severe crisis on the financial market ( the bill offered by the administration is referred to as "the bail out" package). 
If the debate does take place this is what to look out for : 
Obama's mission is to paint a McCain as another incarnation of Bush. He should try and turn the conversation towards the economy and away from foreign policy. Obama needs to present McCain as the candidate of big money and market deregulation ( which he officially was before this week's U-turn!). 
McCain will try and appear connected and highlight Obama's liberal, elitist and professoral stance, which tends to annoy middle America. McCain needs to present himself as the candidate that is most ready to be commander in chief. 
However I do think that if McCain gives the impression that he is very hawkish and has a markedly ideological approach to foreign policy it might not go down too well with an audience that is tired of the seemingly unwinable and costly war in Irak. More American unilateral  interventionism is probably not what most voters hope for. 

The podcasts I've been listening to recently ( mostly from the liberal media, I must confess) repeatedly compare this election to that of 1932. Will Barack Obama benefit from the recession as much as FDR did? 
The comparaison does not always make a lot of sense, at least historically: 

 To keep yourselves busy before the debate : 

And for a quick laugh : 

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