Sunday, August 17, 2008


Here are just a few words on yesterday's much advertised, awaited and commented event. Actually the candidates only appeared on stage together for 30 seconds. The format was two hour long interviews with Rick Warren. Obama went first and was followed by McCain. 

My impression was that Obama tried to please the evangelicals without completely alienating his more liberal base while McCain was on an all-out seduction campaign. He gave the exact answers that would please the religious voters : "Life starts at conception" for instance but gave no explanation on how this belief might influence his policies. McCain's answers were very direct and straightforward and peppered with personal stories from his time in a Vietcong prison camp (none of which were unknown, it was his usual spiel). 
Obama answered the questions with much ( too much?) subtlety and nuanced his opinions and policy proposals. Will he be able to seduce the young religious voters? 
Got to go, more later...

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