Monday, February 18, 2008

Tuesday's elections

Wisconsin is holding its primary tomorrow. Last week Clinton had suggested that she would not campaign there, but in the face Obama's long string of victories, she has decided to fight to make as good a showing as she can. 

The State of Hawaii also holds a caucus tomorrow, although Obama leads solidly in this State where he lived as a child, Clinton is also trying to compete with him. Senator Clinton's strategy for these two States is basically damage control : she needs to stall Obama's apparent momentum and hold her ground until the two crucial primaries of March 4 : Texas and Ohio. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Aude,

Sorry for being so late... I work on a biography of Clarence Darrow (civil right attorney) and more generally I specialize on the American radical and liberal left (populism, progressivism and - soon - New Deal liberalism).

Plus proche des elections actuelles que l'Angleterre a l'age moderne, je confesse, mais assez eloigne des preoccupations actuelles tout de meme...



PS: and don't hesitate to post comments on my blog. It's not always working but well, I am sure your analysis and reactions must be really interesting and engaging!