Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Answers to the final exam

Dear students, 

I have typed up the answers I was expecting at the exam. The document is on-line on the google group as usual. Hopefully this will clarify what almost all of you missed : the real interest of the text and the hidden agenda of the author. 
I was quite happy with many of your papers : some students might be disappointed but on the whole you did rather well : the average is around 10,5/20. The marks range from 17,5 to 4,5. 
I will answer any questions you may have by email or on the comment page of the blog. 
Best wishes, 



Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving the answers to the exam. It will be easier to understand our mark ;)
Otherwise I will continue to follow your blog which allow us to "keep in touch" with American events :)

Anonymous said...

can we have our marks ??? lol

Aude de Mézerac said...

I'm afraid you'll have to wait for Cergy's administration to hand them out.
You'll all have a good surprise when you see your seminar average.